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Cycling slows aging of legs in older adults

Cycling slows aging of legs in older adults

June 26, 2023

Bicycles are one of the main means of transportation for Chinese people. Riding bicycles for the elderly can slow down the aging speed of the legs, ensure that the elderly can exercise their legs and enhance the contractility of the heart muscle.

Many elderly people basically choose to walk or take a bus when they go out. Few people think of riding a bicycle. But in fact, people get old first, and the elderly should pay special attention to health care of their legs. The elderly should take care of their legs. Try cycling for fitness!

From birth to adulthood, the muscles are constantly getting thicker and stronger, reaching their peak at the age of 20-30. After that, as the age increases, the muscles gradually become thinner and the strength gradually weakens. Among them, the back muscles, psoas muscles and lower limb muscles are obviously weakened with age. This is also one of the reasons why people will have a hunchback, unsteady gait, and fall easily when they enter old age.

The elderly want to exercise their legs. In addition to walking, Tai Chi, jogging and other sports, cycling is a very good way to slow down the aging of their legs. Due to the special requirements of cycling, the upper limbs and trunk are mostly static work, and the lower limbs are mostly dynamic work. Long-term exercise can improve the strength and endurance of lower limb muscles. Due to the redistribution of blood during exercise, the blood supply to the lower limbs is more, and the change of heart rate is also different according to the speed of the pedaling action and the ups and downs of the terrain. Repeated exercises in this way can strengthen the contractility of the heart muscle and increase the elasticity of the blood vessel wall, which is beneficial to the blood circulation of the lower limbs. The management of the lower limbs by the nervous system can also be coordinated and accurate due to exercise.

Elderly people of different ages require different levels of exercise. Elderly people aged 60 can strengthen their strength slightly, but those aged 70 must do what they can. You must also pay attention to safety when riding a bicycle. Ride where there are few cars and few people.

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